De 5 Frustraties van Teamwork

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  • Schrijver:Patrick Lencioni
  • Uitgiftedatum:maart 2009


The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni is a business story that explores the fundamental causes of organizational dysfunction and how teams can overcome them to achieve success. The book identifies five key challenges—or "dysfunctions"—that prevent teams from working effectively together:
  1. Absence of Trust: Team members are unwilling to be vulnerable with one another, which leads to a lack of trust.
  2. Fear of Conflict: Teams avoid healthy, constructive debates and discussions, resulting in poor decision-making.
  3. Lack of Commitment: Without open communication and conflict resolution, team members don’t commit fully to decisions.
  4. Avoidance of Accountability: When there’s no commitment, team members hesitate to hold each other accountable for results.
  5. Inattention to Results: Individuals prioritize personal success and status over the collective team goals, undermining overall performance.
Through a fictional narrative about a struggling executive team, Lencioni illustrates how these dysfunctions can derail a team’s effectiveness. The book also offers practical strategies for overcoming each dysfunction, helping teams build trust, engage in constructive conflict, commit to decisions, hold each other accountable, and focus on collective results. Lencioni’s approachable storytelling, combined with actionable insights, makes The Five Dysfunctions of a Team a widely recognized guide for improving teamwork and organizational health.

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